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Opening IncArt May 20th 2016 - Magic Walls

datum bericht: 21-05-2016

Jan Doms built in collaboration with Olga Doreva in eight intensive working days the archi-sculpture 'Magic Walls' in Casal de Cas Metge Cifre, one of the locations of the IncArt Festival (Inca Mallorca), which was inaugurated on Friday 20th May.

Many found their way to this 'mirror palace of imagination' and ventured the walk between the two glass walls that were installed in the central area of this historic former doctor's house. An exciting experience full of surprising reflections of this stately room and its visitors. Magic Walls can be seen until June 3rd.

incaciutat.com incartfest.tumblr.com

Download: building process magic walls.pdf



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